The D.A.M. Trio was David Bowie’s band from 1975 to 1980. The 2024 David Bowie World Fan Convention in Liverpool saw the return of its surviving members, Carlos Alomar and George Murray. At the event, Alomar and Murray were interviewed extensively about their times with Bowie, and they played live on stage together for the first time in 45 years. Filmmaker Nacho was part of the curation team for the Bowie convention event, and he provided much of the archive material that was shown. Additionally, he was tasked with hosting the three panel discussions with Carlos Alomar and George Murray, that centred on the D.A.M. Trio Bowie era. This film produced by Nacho, pieces together some of the the D.A.M. Trio highlights from the event, including elements of the three panels, a live performance and some rare and previously unreleased David Bowie archive material from the era.
As a filmmaker specialising in archive music related topics, Nacho saw the material that was amassed from the convention, as a way to create a defacto D.A.M. Trio documentary, that places the historic importance of David Bowie’s ’75 – ’80 band in its proper context. And tho’ much has been written about the importance of this era of Bowie’s music, and even the band behind the sound, this is the first documentary film dedicated to the topic.
The D.A.M. Trio were David Bowie's rhythm section for six years, from 1975 to 1980. Bowie chose three black American R n’B musicians - Dennis Davis on drums, George Murray on Bass and Carlos Alomar on guitar, and as arranger and band leader - to help him create some of the most revered, original and yet most popular music of his career. The five groundbreaking studio albums that Bowie produced during the ’75 – ‘80 period moved through stylistic transformations, and yet the band behind him remained a constant.
The D.A.M. Trio were vital in the creation of the albums:
Station to Station (1976)
Live Nassau Coliseum '76
Low (1977)
"Heroes" (1977)
Stage (1978)
Welcome to the Blackout (Live London '78)
Lodger (1979)
Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) (1980)
And additionally the David Bowie produced Iggy Pop album:
The Idiot (1977)
The D.A.M. Trio helped create the hit songs:
Golden Years
Sound and Vision
Boys Keep Swinging
Ashes to Ashes
During their years with Bowie, The D.A.M. Trio played on his two extensive world tours; Isolar I AKA the Station to Station tour in 1976, and Isolar II AKA the Low / “Heroes” tour in 1978.
The final D.A.M. Trio live performance with David Bowie was on Saturday Night Live in late 1979. In November 2024, Rolling Stone voted the appearance as the greatest Saturday Night Live Musical Performance of all-time.
Special thanks to Bernd Pick, who miraculously dragged 60kg of gear from Germany, especially to shoot and record the event. You can find Bernd’s DBCON24 interview series at his YouTube channel Kempowski1.
Big thanks to Particledots, who waved his magic wand over some of the audio challenges, and turned impenetrable and unlistenable into unmissable.
Thanks to Dave Pichingi and all the SoundCity crew for enabling, hosting and providing the platform and tech, and for allowing the use of their material.
Shout out to DBCON24 comrades:
Alan Horne
Hannah Breschard
Mark Wardel
The David Bowie World Fan Convention:
Thanks to The Bowie Contingent – keep up the good work guys!
Thanks to Carlos Alomar and George Murray for their willing participation.
DBCON material footage and audio:
Bernd Pick
And the fans cellphones
Archive material:
David Bowie | Warszawa | Live Musikladen | 1978
David Bowie | Diamond Dogs TV advert | 1974
David Bowie | Fame | The Cher Show | 1975
David Bowie | Golden Years [breakdown] | Soul Train | 1975
David Bowie | TVC 15 | Live Nassau | 1976
David Bowie | "Heroes" | Live Munich | 1978
David Bowie | Up the Hill Backwards [demo] | 1980
David Bowie | NYC footage | The 20/20 Show | 1980
David Bowie | Look Back in Anger [breakdown] | 1979
David Bowie | The Secret Life of Arabia | 1977
Dennis Davis interview | Joe Wong | 2016
Dennis Davis photo | Andrew Kent | 1976
The Man Who Fell to Earth | Nic Roeg | 1976
Tony Visconti's studio | Hikaru Davis | 2018
Lawrence of Arabia | David Lean | 1962
Always more videos to follow, so please keep your electric eye on me babe!
I don't own the rights, and I'm not making any money out of this etc. Just a fan making videos for other fans.
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#DavidBowie #CarlosAlomar #GeorgeMurray #DennisDavis #TheD.A.M.Trio